Hebe Campbell on Being a Newsroom Producer, and Mis/Disinformation | Vantage By TGT Season 1 Episode 2 Part 1
Vantage By TGT, Season 1 Episode 2 Part 1:
Hebe Iona Campbell on College, Role of a Producer in a Newsroom, and the Difference Between Misinformation and Disinformation
Hebe Iona Campbell is a Junior Producer for Euronews' specialist dis/misinformation and social media news desk The Cube.
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Vantage By TGT is a new series by The Global Telescope in which Vikrant Sharma, our Founder-Editor, interviews his guests who are experts in World Affairs and International Relations on a variety of subjects. Subscribe to our channel for more episodes coming soon.
In any case, the truth is that producers are at the show to assist with creating that specific show. What's more, the Executive Producer of the show has an objective at the top of the priority list - to finish his show overall quite well in the most limited measure of time, and to have all that end up great for that specific show.https://watch-free.tv/